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How I could have crashed the Page Role setting of any Facebook page

This is my second blog post regarding one of my findings in Facebook's Business Manager.
Bug: Bug in Business Manager which allows an attacker to completely disable a page admin's access to his page's Page Roles Settings.
This exploit works in the below scenario:
-->Attacker has a Business Manager account
--> Victim does not have any Business Manager Account(ie, victim just has some normal Facebook pages which he owns)
In Business Manager, users can add new apps or request access to an app owned by other business accounts. If you want to request access to an app, you just need to enter the APP ID and click on "Request App" so that the admin can grant you the access after receiving the request.

The request to a new app is created using the below graph api call with a valid access token
POST /v2.10/951117391698528/sent_requests
It looks for mainly two parameters :object_id and brand id
object_id: The id of the app to which you need access
brandId  :Your business id
Here, while looking for logical bugs, I submitted the request by replacing object_id with the victim's page id!
The response from the server was like below.

"A request has been sent asking the people who manage the app to approve your request. We'll let you know if your request is approved."
The developer has assumed that the request will only contain app_id!
After this, I just logged into victim's account(test account) and opened the page role settings.
From victim's account, I saw a notification that the other business account has asked for access to the app. But victim cannot approve /reject as he does not have a business account :P
I opened the page role setting of victim's page.

Victim has lost his complete access to Page Roles. Nothing was showing up in Page Roles
Now, Until the victim rejects/approves attacker's request or attacker cancels the request from his Page menu option, victim won't  have access to his "Page roles" settings!
An attacker can misuse this bug and deny the victim from accessing  their Page Roles settings.
Reported to Facebook and got a nice bounty :)

This bug has been completely fixed now and now the mentioned end point returns the below response.

Report timeline

1st June, 2017 - Bug Reported
8th June, 2017 - Vic confirmed the bug and sent to product team.
11th July, 2017 - I observed that issue has been resolved. Asked for update.
15th July, 2017 - Vic updated that they are looking into some deeper root cause for this issue.
12th August, 2017 - Bounty awarded. 750 USD.


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