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How I could have hacked Facebook Analytics to view any Facebook page's Analytics- $7500

Hi, This post is regarding one of my findings in Facebook which could have allowed anyone to view the Facebook Analytics of any Facebook page without having any roles on the page. Bug:  Bug in Facebook Analytics which allows an attacker to view analytics of any Facebook page without having any roles on the page. POC Steps The API call to create an event source group is like below. "GET /v2.10/1234/event_source_groups?"  where "1234" is the business account id and it accepts the parameters,  name and  event_sources  . The parameter  event_sources  can contain the id of page,app,pixel or offline event set. After some testing, I found that while adding a page object as an event source, there are no security checks at this end point to check whether authorized user is making the request or not. In addition to this, I found other two end points as well which is vulnerable. 1)While making a POST request to an existing event source group. 2)A...
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How I could have made your products Out of Stock in Facebook Pages!

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Leaking of page store details via downloaded location data from Business Locations

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Setting up tests for any App or Pixel using Facebook's Test and Learn feature

Hi, This post is regarding one of my findings in Facebook which could have allowed anyone to set up tests for apps/pixels to which he does not have any roles/access. Bug: Bug in Facebook's "Test And Learn" Feature which allows an attacker to set up tests for apps/pixels to which he does not have any roles/access and to view the test results. POC Steps Users can setup tests from the url where 12345 is ad account id.(Refer The bug was in the 2nd test option "How many conversions are all my Facebook ads causing?" Click on "Set up Test", enter a test name and select any of your apps/pixel as the event source and select the schedule. The API call to setup a test is like below. "POST /v2.10/me/ad_studies?"  There were no security checks at this end point to check whether authorized user is making the request or not. In this reques...

How I could have crashed the Page Role setting of any Facebook page

Hi, This is my second blog post regarding one of my findings in Facebook's Business Manager. Bug: Bug in Business Manager which allows an attacker to completely disable a page admin's access to his page's Page Roles Settings. This exploit works in the below scenario: -->Attacker has a Business Manager account --> Victim does not have any Business Manager Account(ie, victim just has some normal Facebook pages which he owns) In Business Manager, users can add new apps or request access to an app owned by other business accounts. If you want to request access to an app, you just need to enter the APP ID and click on "Request App" so that the admin can grant you the access after receiving the request. The request to a new app is created using the below graph api call with a valid access token POST /v2.10/951117391698528/sent_requests It looks for mainly two parameters :object_id and brand id object_id: The id of the app to which you n...

Oauth token validation bug in Facebook

This is my first blog post. I started bug hunting on Facebook from 2016 and got listed in Facebook's   Hall of Fame  of 2016 and 2017 for finding various bugs. I thank all the people who supported me till here especially my best friend Shaila. I will be posting my findings/thoughts here. Bug :Validation missing in "oauth_token"("" end point) allows an attacker to link his twitter account to victim's page even after victim removes attacker's admin role on victim's page. The end point "" allows a user to link his account/page to a twitter account. To link a page to twitter account, you need to go to this url and click on the "Link to Twitter" button which will generate a url which look like "" Once the user clicks on Authorize app, the account/page selected will get linked to t...